
Education 2020 carries out a consultation to citizen to know their opinion about the movement proposals.

you can see de complete article here:

Among the proposals the most remarkable are: the creation of an international program in charge of preparing principals for a better management of schools, a law project that improve the educational professional careers and improve the status of teachers given many to teachers who have excellence and for good students who want to study pedagogy.

I consider very well the proposals, because they are necessary due to the little preparation that some principals have to manage an educational establishment is bad for the education of the thousands of children who are in formation, they have to improve their knowledge in educational management in order to gain the so desirable international standards in education.

It is also fundamental that salaries to be increased for teachers who are dedicated with their work and who have good results because it is not enough with to do a good job also we have to give the 200 % more, it will be a motivation for young people who want to study pedagogical careers.

I think it is also remarkable a movement like this, since the educational work in Chile has not a great support from anybody but indeed many demands. To achieve these demands it is fundamental improvements now, in many educational areas such as: educational law changes, infrastructure, materials, etc. This movement is responsible for making them known to the society and proposes practical solutions.

As a future teacher I am very grateful for the creation of these movements which look after the development of a country in term of education.
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