
Billy Elliot.

Official site:

Film name: Billy Elliot

Year: 2000

Country: United Kingdom

Filming Locations:

  1. London, England, UK
  2. Canary Wharf Underground Station, Canary Wharf, Isle of Dogs, London, England, UK
  3. County Durham, England, UK
  4. Easington, County Durham, England, UK
  5. Haymarket Theatre, Haymarket, St. James's, London, England, UK
  6. Lynemouth, Northumberland, England, UK
  7. Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, England, UK
  8. Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Northumberland, England, UK
  9. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England, UK
  10. Royal Ballet School, White Lodge, Richmond Park, Richmond, Surrey, England, UK
  11. Royal Opera House, Bow Street, Covent Garden, London, England, UK (exteriors)
  12. Seaham, County Durham, England, UK
  13. Shepperton Studios, Shepperton, Surrey, England, UK (studio)
  14. Tees Transporter Bridge, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, England, UK

Director: Stephen Daldry

Language: English

Accent: British English

Written by Lee Hall


  • Jamie Bell as Billy Elliot
  • Julie Walters as Mrs. Georgia Wilkinson
  • Gary Lewis as Jackie Elliot
  • Jamie Draven as Tony Elliot
  • Jean Heywood as Grandma
  • Stuart Wells as Michael Caffrey
  • Nicola Blackwell as Debbie Wilkinson
  • Colin Maclachlan as Mr. Tom Wilkinson
  • Billy Fane as Mr. Braithwaite
  • Janine Blirkett as Jenny Elliot
  • Adam Cooper as Billy Elliot, age 25
  • Merryn Owen as Michael Caffrey, age 25

Main characters:

  • Billy Elliot
  • Mrs. Georgia Wilkinson
  • Jackie Elliot
  • Tony Elliot

Plot: The film is set during the UK miners' strike (1984–1985) and centers on the life of Billy (Jamie Bell), his love of dance and his hope to become a professional ballet dancer. Billy's father (Gary Lewis) and brother Tony (Jamie Draven) are both out on strike. Billy's mother is no longer alive and Billy and Tony's nan (Jean Heywood) also lives with the family.

Billy is taken to the boxing gym by his father, but he finds out that he doesn't really like the sport. Part of the boxing gym is used by a ballet class because their usual studio in the basement of the sports centre is being used as a soup kitchen for the striking miners. He is drawn in by the ballet teacher (Julie Walters), and with her help, secretly starts taking ballet class. Billy's father finds out after the boxing teacher makes comment of Billy's absence. Billy is then forbidden to dance but continues secretly.

As a consequence of Tony being arrested during a confrontation between police and striking miners, Billy misses an important audition for the Royal Ballet School. His ballet teacher goes to their house to tell his father about the missed opportunity. Billy's father and brother, fearing that Billy will be seen as a "poof", become outraged at the idea of him becoming a professional ballet dancer.

Once having seen Billy dance however, his father understands that ballet is Billy's passion; and he takes him to an audition for the Ballet himself. Billy is accepted to the Royal Ballet, and moves out on his own at age 11 to attend the school.

The film ends with a scene that takes place about 14 years later, where Billy has finally reached his goal through dancing: the older Billy (dancer/actor Adam Cooper)

takes the stage to perform the lead in Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake.

Taken from

Context: The 1984-85 miners’ strike in the United Kingdom plays an important role in Billy Elliot. In its treatment of the strikes, the miners who continued to work (the “scabs”) and the role play of police. In 1984 the National Coal Board declares it was going to close 20 pits, which would mean 20.000 miners would lose theirs jobs. On March 12th, 1984, the president of the National Union of Miners (NUM), Arthur Scargil, called a national strike against the pit closures. Many miners were involved in picketing and protesting. The strike was actually illegal as the NUM leaders had not held a vote of NUM members; this meant the police were able

to intervene, allowing strike-breakers to return to work. As a result, there was a lot of anger and violence on the picket lines. The miners were themselves divided over whether to strike or continue working, and eventually the NUM members split and a new union for miners was formed. We can see this tension among the miners on the picket lines in Billy Elliot.


  1. Poof: an offensive word for a homosexual man
  2. Scab: a worker who refuses to join a strike or take the place ob somebody on strike.

Powerful ideas and Values:

  1. Perseverance
  2. Passion for ideals
  3. Dreams
  4. Gratitude
  5. Friendship
  6. Recognition of achievements
  7. Talent
  8. Hope
  9. Discrimination

Personal opinion:

Billy Elliot is a beautiful film which is focused on the story of a child called Billy, who despite the difficulties in his life, he was able to achieve his dream and to become a professional ballet dancer.

I think it is a film very well developed; even it makes me feel many nice feelings. For instance, there was a scene in which Michael, who is Billy’s best friend, gives to Billy a kiss, and Billy saw him with surprise. In that moment Billy asked him that if he is gay, and also Billy told him that he considered himself a man. In that scene, I laughed a lot. Another scene was when Jackie Elliot (the Billy’s father) realizes the Billy’s talent for dancing; as a result Jackie Elliot wants to be able to can afford an important school of dance for Billy. In order to achieve that dream, Jackie Elliot returns to the mine, despite of they were on strike. As a consequence of that Jackie Elliot had to put up the other miner’s insults. Even the eldest son tried to stop him but Jackie Elliot justified that he wanted to achieve the Billy’s dream which is to become a professional dancer. That scene made me cry so much.

The emotions in the movies is very necessary, I must say that the film is really sweet. However, each scene transmits an incredible hardness, a hardness of love and tenderness.

But the most exciting of all is that a child who had a different dream, supported by a father who at the end realized his son’s talent, very bravely faces the people’s criticisms and accepted his son’s dream.

Finally, the Billy’s neighbours help him saving money in order that Billy can go to the Academy of dance. It is just an amazing expression of solidarity.

That was beautiful film.

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