1. Behind a social network service by Nadia Palma.
she showed a very good presentation. However, I think it was not a micro-lesson, it was a lecture of how prevent Internet frauds, when we sign contracts without reading the policy, this happened when we open an account in websites such us: Facebook, Fotolog, among others. In addition, she showed very good tips of how children can prevent problems because of the irresponsibility when we sign a document without reading previously and also the consequences of publishing private articles or photos on the Internet.

I liked her presentation in terms of content’s management and her use of examples and videos. Furthermore, her tone of voice was appropriate, but she should have been worrier about her grammar in the ppt, because there were a lot of grammar mistakes and some slides had too much information inside.

2. Slang by Jorge Pierola.

This presentation was more similar to a micro-teaching than the other.

He used a wide range of examples, very affirmative definitions and excellent exercises. The exercises were in order to practice the previous teaching slangs. I found it spectacular, because the exercises were suitable for the level and appropriate to the topic.

His tone of voice was excellent, but he should have had more eyes contact with the audience and used more the teaching space. But anyway it was a very good presentation.
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