1. Micro lesson about respect.

Evelyn Antillanca's presentation. I consider it was an excellent presentation with a good management of: space, time and visual resources, which were well focused on the Chilean reality. The theme chosen by Evelyn was formidable, because the respect is a topic that concerns directly to all of us as teachers. Evelyn's performance was excellent and very fluent. The ppt had a very clear organization and very structured information, with essential elements and timely to the topic.

2. Micro lesson about technology.

Cristobal Jara was who presented this important topic, today almost all things are dominated by technology, which is to the service of man, Cristobal showed us novel and innovative computing programs with educational purposes which I did not know.
That computing programs are very appropriate as a visual aid in a lesson. He gave a historical summary of the origin and evolution of technology.

the structuring and time of the presentation both were very well, but Cristobal had to have a plan B to present in order to avoid the great amount of technical problems, In spite of that the presentation was solid and clear.

3. My micro lesson about recycling.

I prepared this topic, because I consider it vital. Every day more advances in technology are made, each time there is more and better appliances to improve the comfort of life, but each time there is less native environmental Habitat, each time there is more pollution and less human consciousness. It is not important the technology, but also the care of the planet. I think we need environmental education, so that we take care not only of the material things but also look around and realize the damage that we are doing to our planet because the unity is strength.
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