1.Micro lesson about The National Institute.

This presentation was shown by Gustavo Rojas was full of historical information. Approached much to what would be a historical outline of this emblematic school, but from my point of view I do not find the relevance of the topic for my personal development, because it is true that know history is something that concerns to all of us, but I do not think to do a micro lesson of this emblematic school It is relevant and significant for us as teachers. In addition, I consider inappropriate the use of Spanish in a few quotations because it could have been avoided with to paraphrase these paragraphs.
Moreover, Gustavo made a good performance in terms of the management of the topic and his bodily expression, as well as in the use of the space and management and distribution of time and additional resources.

2. Micro lesson about obesity.

This presentation which was in charge by Stephanie Bravo, I consider significant and important but repeated because although it is an important topic, I do not think that she mentioned new aspects different to the already known. A point against her was the distribution of the space and time because the presentation was very long. I have to mention the use of audiovisual materials, because these were very attractive and consistent with the information, but if perhaps she would have been respected its range of time, the presentation had been more captivating for the audience.

3. Micro lesson about the relaxation.

This presentation was shown by Daisy Barril. It was of my total pleasure because it was a new topic, creative and very useful for us as teachers and as citizens who live in constant stress.

I liked the management of space and the auditory resources, although in my opinion the volume was very low. The management of the topic was appropriate and fluid. Related to the time, it was very well appointed and her performance was consistent.
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