1. Personal opinion about the following link:

In this web site you can find information related to education, from resources for teachers such as: articles, blogs, job ads, and lessons, to opinions about the teacher labor. This link is a useful tool for preparing a lesson because sharing information with other teachers you can obtain different point of view of how to prepare a good lesson about any topic, it is essential since each teacher has his/her own methodology for teaching. Why do not share my methodology with other teachers? There are many original forms to teach only you have to learn them.

2. Personal opinion about the following link:

This link is focus on finding the usefulness of using twitter in education. You can find answers such as:

Twitter is a great networking site for TEFL. You can use twitter to:

§ look for jobs

§ meet other teachers

§ post links to your blog

§ share links to TEFL articles

§ share links to online lessons

§ write and read teacher tips

§ stay connected to your favourite sites

§ learn other languages

§ get inspiration for you classes

§ keep in touch with your friends at home”

Furthermore, in this web site you can find a brief explanation of how to use twitter and what you can do in it. Also, you can share opinions and see another related links.

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